Sunday, October 5, 2008

Slight Detour

Well, I have been in San Francisco for 39 days and it is time to move on. Unfortunately, my trip to San Diego is going to have a little detour by way of Massachusetts. If I had a dollar for every dream I have in my head, they would all be adequately funded.

A few of the 5 people that read this blog will probably have an initial reaction of concern and condolence, but that is not necessary. Flying back to Massachusetts does not indicate failure on my part. It does not indicate the end of my adventure. I does not depress me. Who else could get a 39 day "vacation" in SF with a $1500 budget? How many people have ever even crossed the Rockies, or seen the Pacific Ocean? I have been back and forth across this country in the last few years an unbelievable number of times. I have lived in two amazing cities since graduating four months ago from college. Since college I have met easily 1000 people. Life is good.

If you are still wondering why I am going back, I'll try to explain. This whole process was full of fun, but I have also learned a lot. Finding the right type of work is not as easy as one would think. My time line was a little different than everyone else, namely that I was in a rush. I should have started the job search train a little earlier. My family would love to see me, and I would love to see them - regardless of how much I detest the cold winter. I am sure something will work out, and in the near future, I am sure that I will be doing a fair bit of traveling. I won't be tied down.

So I have two days left here in San Francisco, and I haven't quite figured out how to best spend them. However, getting up early and getting a full day in sounds like a good start.



Unknown said...


Candy Magee said...

it was a great privilege spending time with you in SF - keep us posted on your adventures. :-)

every blessing,
candy and steve