Thursday, October 2, 2008

Marin Headlands - I finally found the rain.

In an attempt to maintain my sanity, and to reduce the stress that's been building up as a result of the job hunt, I went out to the Marin Headlands and the Golden Gate Recreation Area. It was the first time I have seen the fog so thick that the bridge was hidden. I did not stop at the place where we normally do, and hike down to the beach at Kirby Cove Campground. Instead, I kept driving along Conzelman Rd. all the way around and to Rodeo Lagoon and Rodeo Cove. I stopped at several places along the way, at a few different bunker sites. There was one in particular that was so quiet. It was the first time in days that I haven't had the sound of traffic, or people talking, or music, or anything related to the city as white noise. Even with the thick fog, I could hardly keep my eyes open because of how bright it was. I lay there on my back for quite a while, trying to forget everything and just think abstractly about how God is good, always - and that nothing matters but Him.

Driving along the winding road in thick fog caused me to reflect on how similar my life was to that experience. I feel like I have been winding back and forth for a while now, in a fog of uncertainty, doubts, un-answered questions, stress, etc... I spent time praying that God would grant me a spot of clarity - both figuratively and literally. You can see at the bottom what I eventually found.

I think I arrived right after it turned red.

Sausalito Rainbow

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