Friday, September 12, 2008

Apologies again

I apologize again for the delay in posting. The last week has been somewhat uneventful, and yet - full. The most recent post tells about my trip to Mcnears beach. Unfortunately, there was poison oak at the beach, which I had no idea about. I have been under full on poison oak attack for the last 10 days. I have been to the doctor twice for shots and medicine, and still it continues to spread. Right now it is 6 am here, and I am writing because I have yet to fall asleep due to incurable itching and nervousness induced by the large quantities of cortisone in my system. The doctor gave me a shot today that he said "would easily take care of a 6'3'' - 270 pound man." He also warned me I wouldn't be able to sleep. I thought he was joking.

I went down to Santa Clara last night for dinner with Jeff at Chris Andrew's apartment. Chris is a gcc entrepreneurship grad like me.

The next few posts will be recaps of what I've failed to put up this week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...