Friday, September 11, 2009

Refocus Magazine


Some people know about how I have been avidly pursuing freelance writing positions for various blogs, companies, individuals, etc in an effort to have fun and make a little money on the side. I met up with my good friend Ian Bauer and we have decided to, with the assistance of Peter McDowell, resurrect Refocus Magazine. This was a project that Ian and Peter started up a while back and was placed on hold. The plan is to bring it back, fully redesigned and with a team of writers behind it providing a steady stream of fresh content each week.

Operating under a mission statement derived from Philippians 4:8, Refocus Magazine really wants to celebrate that which is good. Whether it is awesome music, stories about local heroes, reflections on life's lessons, etc. We hope to provide our readers with a place to go to find unique, often original, fun and creative articles and videos.

We're still in the resurrection and brainstorming phase, and so all suggestions are welcome. Is there something that you think would be neat to do a regular column on? Feel free to send links to things that you have found on the internet that really get to you and you would love to see included within Refocus Magazine.

We really appreciate all the feedback that we can get. The goal is to author something you all want to read, not just something we think is neat.

Comment away!


That thing you do...

Have you ever had someone point out something that you do subconsciously, something that is somewhat embarrassing but you've never known about before? In that moment you are completely vulnerable. Why? Because like talking in your sleep, it's not something that you are aware of. You have been living your whole life doing something that you didn't realize. At least for me it makes me feel like I'm not in control.

Last week my girlfriend, Katelin, was so kind as to point out that I almost always blow on my food before I take a bite, even if there is no need. She's noticed it for a long time, but watching me cool a granola bar before taking a bite was the last straw and she couldn't hold in her laughter any longer. I didn't believe her right away, I mean, come on... if I blew on my food before every bite, I would so know it.

I asked my mom if she has ever noticed it, and she said no. I was starting to feel a little better, banking on Kate just being wrong. However, my sister instantly, with no hesitation, knew exactly what Kate was talking about.

Have you ever had someone tell you about something you do which you had no idea about? Please share your story below in the comments section.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back Up and Running

It has been almost a year since I last posted. The reason? Well, this blog was originally intended to chronicle my move to California (See Intro Post), and when that was over, there was no need to update.

However, L-Mo's Adventure is still a relevant title because although I am no longer foolishly bumming around California, I am still living an adventure. My life is vibrant, fun, and full of ups and downs.

My hope is that if you stumble across this blog, you will be encouraged, maybe laugh and smile, maybe cry. Blogger isn't my preferred blogging platform, but we're going to work with it for the time being.

Here's to a new start!

