Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Explanation Is In Order

Thursday - August 21st - One week before departure.

"No man, for any considerable period of time, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the truth." ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Within the reach of one week from now, I will have embarked upon likely the most formative, daring, dangerous and potentially stupid adventure in my life to date. I am abandoning the heavy, anchoring pull of material things. I have donated or sold most everything I could and have bought a one way ticket to California. In one sense I am fulfilling the stereotypical American Dream - "sell everything you have and buy a one way ticket out west - never to look back." I compound this dream by adding to it the other well known dream of making a fortune, starting with absolutely nothing. I will have the clothes on my back, a few in my backpack, my phone, and papers of identification.

On the 27th I will land in San Jose. On the 28th ...

My destination is San Diego - 575 miles from where I land. I will take a coastal route, I will beg for rides. It will be fun I am sure.

This blog has been designed so that I can take pictures and type out small captions on my phone and have them post. I will be keeping a written journal of the trip and will periodically type them out and post them as well.

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