Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thoughts from the Diary of a Desperate Man

I read this today on the way back from an interview in Redwood City.  It was oddly encouraging, or at least impacting.  I typed it out for others to read and to contemplate.  It comes from a book I have called Thoughts from the Diary of a Desperate Man that was given to me by family friends for graduation.  I am getting deperate ... It is applicable.


For I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘my counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish my purpose.’ Isaiah 46:9... 

The Twin Pillars of Faith 

If you desire a satisfactory relationship with God, two pillars must be firmly anchored in your life.  You must believe that He is in control and that he had your best interest at heart.  

The sovereignty of God must be a deeply held conviction.  When my son was dying of leukemia, a friend wrote, “I don’t know how this tragedy came about, but I do know that it did not come from God.  God is not in the business of killing little children.”  As I pondered this observation, I concluded that if God did not kill my son, then I have a far greater problem than my son dying.  I worship a god who is not in control.  God was not sitting on the edge of the universe chagrined over the disease that ravaged my son’s life.  As I help my son in my arms while he slipped into eternity, I knew that I was experiencing the beautiful handiwork of God.

This naturally leads to the second essential pillar: The goodness of God.  God is good.  He is incapable of doing anything but good.  The debate, like so many debates in life, is overt who gets to determine what good looks like.  Do you truly believe that the huts of life come from the hand of a good God who only does what is best for you?

The writer of Hebrews, quoting from the Psalmist says, “the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”  There are only two people in life that can hurt you: you and God.  Because He is good, seeking only your best, in the final analysis, only you can destroy your life.  He does not delegate your destiny to Satan or any other force on earth.  

Without these pillars firmly embedded in your convictions, you will find it difficult to survive the storms of life. 


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